How Not To Sleep Mac While Download Updates


How To Check For Updates On Mac


Check The Energy Saver Settings. The most common probability of Mac not going to sleep could be.

How To Update My Mac Software

How Not To Sleep Mac While Download Updates Without

When I am downloading large files, I was just wondering if it is possible to have my MacBook continue to download the file when I close my laptop or put it into sleep mode?

No. Sleep stops all activity.
Does it still download? What's the best way to do this?

Use Display Sleep, or just wait for the file to finish downloading before you sleep the mac. (Set it up by going to >System Preferences...>Exposé & Spaces>Exposé. Select 'Display Sleep' as one of the Hot Corners. To sleep the display, just go to that corner.)
Message was edited by: joshz
Message was edited by: joshz